All information is correct at the date of posting. The blog is usually updated on a weekly basis, often every few days, dependent on RL and the availability of material to blog. Please do not write to complain that a slurl no longer works or that a location has disappeared. It's Second Life, remember? Things change with great speed. Locations/stores blogged are listed in the sidebar, and updated frequently. If somewhere has moved location or closed, please use the inworld search box to look for it.

Monday 25 July 2011

LeMelonRouge Onyett

Something slightly different today, and as a result something I'm exceptionally excited about. You all know that in the SL world blogs can sometimes be a little too 'samey'? Everyone blogs the same dresses and so on. It's something I'm keenly aware of and do all I can to avoid, although I sometimes do end up blogging skins/sexy clothes just as another dozen or more blogs do.

And sometimes I'll not blog an item, knowing full well that a dozen other bloggers will, or already have, blogged an item.

It's important that this blog is 'different', as best it can, and concentrate on the sexy, the erotic and sometimes plain and earthy sexual end of SL.

I've been tipped off to the existence of LeMelonrouge Onyett -a person, not a place- by one of my SL friends, because she thought that I, and you, might be interested in his work. I am, and you will be!

Lemelonrouge (that's 'the red melon', for the benefit of non-francophones) is an exceptionally talented artist, and he currently has an exhibition running at the L'Ile du Bahania art gallery. It's a series of lovely watercolour nudes, and they will grace any SL home. I think I want one for the wall of my office when we finally establish our own office presence in SL! In fact, I definitely want one! I tried photographing some of these beautiful paintings, but in the end I gave up because I couldn't do them justice. Not that it would appear to matter anyway, as Lemelonrouge (can we call him Lemelon? Lem?) has his own flickrstream, so you can see the items there, as well as by visiting the gallery.

They are gorgeous representations of the (female) nude, and really do fit perfectly into our 'erotic' brief. Visit the gallery now, and maybe pick up an original artwork for your SL home.

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